2.6 MW Machai Hydropower Project
Al Fajr & Shaheen JV hired NDA to provide Civil/Structural as well as Hydraulic Design for the 2.6 MW Hydropower project including Head Race, Tail Race, Diversion Canal, Spillway and Power House.
Al Fajr & Shaheen JV hired NDA to provide Civil/Structural as well as Hydraulic Design for the 2.6 MW Hydropower project including Head Race, Tail Race, Diversion Canal, Spillway and Power House.
NDA provided Consultancy services and pre-bid design for Weir, Head Race Canal (2.6 Km long), Siphon inlet pound, Siphon underneath the river bed, Siphon, outlet pound, Penstock and Power House.
Power House Structure (project was located in a seismically active area catering to a maximum credible earth quake of 0.40g). 1 km long Penstock (4 m. diameter, Head 180 m).
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